Significant increase in lemons prices affects the California market
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Publicado: 04-09-2024 13:00:45 PDT
Actualizado: 04-09-2024 13:42:37 PDT
Consumers will be the most affected.
The U.S. market is facing a major impact this week due to a significant increase in the cost of Persian lemons. According to a representative from Produce Depot Wholesale, Corp, a company specializing in the distribution of fruits and vegetables in San Diego, California, the price of a box of lemons could reach $60 this weekend, directly affecting consumers.
This price hike is not only impacting the United States; in Michoacán, Mexico, one of the main lemon-producing regions, the cost of a box has reached 1,000 pesos. Additionally, export stoppages caused by extortion issues have been a critical factor contributing to the surge in prices.
You may also be interested in: Produce prices rise in California, due to extortion in Mexican farmlands
The situation is causing concern among the sectors involved, as the volatility in lemon prices could persist, affecting both distributors and consumers in the short and medium term.
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